The Hottest 100 Cheerleaders

The Hottest 100 Cheerleaders
The Hottest 100 Cheerleaders

University of Denver Dancer Kaitlin is Tougher Than You

I'm sure when most people picture a dancer they see a tiny, twig girl that is all skin & bones; something very breakable. That, however, could not be further from the truth. Dancers (and cheerleaders) are tough as hell and injure themselves on a daily basis perfecting their craft.

Today's featured dancer Kaitlin is a dancer and a badass. For instance, she has already done 2 Tough Mudder runs and, in her words, "did not blackout either year." That's her standard of success, folks. Currently Kaitlin is training to compete in the bikini division of the 2013 NPC Armbrust Pro Gym Warrior Classic. That means she's on a strict diet (that tells her what to eat & exactly when to eat it), lifts weights 5 times a week and does cardio 7 times a week. I'm pretty sure most of my readers haven't done cardio 7 times this year!

And on top of all of that badassery, Kaitlin is damn cute too! With long legs that won't stop and abs that would make most girls insanely jealous, Kaitlin is the perfect combination of beauty and brawn. Once the senior Psych major graduates this next summer, she plans on working with couples to meld her passions of counseling and fitness. In other words, Kaitlin has her sh&t together and is probably going to conquer the world very soon!

The Hotties!

The Hotties!
The Hotties!