The Hottest 100 Cheerleaders

The Hottest 100 Cheerleaders
The Hottest 100 Cheerleaders

Western Carolina Cheerleader Hannah Is Stunning!

There is just something special about a gorgeous girl with freckles. I know a lot of people (girls in particular) are self conscious about freckles, but I don't get it. I think freckles take a girl like Hannah, who is already beautiful, and just sets her apart a little bit more. Maybe it's just me, but I doubt it.

Regardless, freckles or no freckles, Hannah is going to stand out in a crowd. Add those long legs to the mix and I have a hard time believing she didn't win the Carolina's Next Top Model contest she entered. Somebody paid off a judge or something.

So until she hits it big in the modelling world, I guess we're just going to have to start going to more Western Carolina sporting events and cheering on the Catamounts!


The Hotties!

The Hotties!
The Hotties!