The Hottest 100 Cheerleaders

The Hottest 100 Cheerleaders
The Hottest 100 Cheerleaders

University of Denver Dancer Kaitlin is Back!

We're sticking with yesterday's "Strong is Sexy" theme today while also providing a quick update on one of our favorite College Cheerleader Heaven features.

If you remember all the way back to the beginning of July, we featured University of Denver dancer Kaitlin and told you just how much of a badass she is. This girl does Tough Mudders and was preparing to compete in her first fitness competitions. Not only did Kaitlin compete, she won 1st place in her Open Bikini Division! Which means she gets to compete in nationals this year.

Now she's taken the next step and started doing a little fitness modelling on top of everything else. I saw these pictures and just had to share them. Also, you should go ahead and do yourself a favor by following Kaitlin on Instagram: @Kaitlin_Behan

The Hotties!

The Hotties!
The Hotties!