The Hottest 100 Cheerleaders

The Hottest 100 Cheerleaders
The Hottest 100 Cheerleaders

VCU's Ella Proves Strong is the New Skinny

Personally, I'm glad we're past the days of the waif look. I was never a big fan of Kate Moss' ribs staring out at me from every magazine cover. I much prefer the new trend of strong, healthy women getting the love they deserve. And our new friend Ella certainly falls into that category.

The VCU sophomore is a certified p90x trainer and coach, and you can tell she is seriously into fitness. So if any of you are looking for a smoking hot coach to motivate you, Ella just might be your girl. While she is majoring in Creative Advertisement and hopes to be a designer for a fashion magazine some day, I'm seeing Ella leading the resurgence of exercise shows on ESPN. Picture a modern day Kiana Tom or Denise Austin!

And I'm sure you recognize Ella's friend Alana in some of these pictures. You can find her College Cheerleader Heaven feature here!

The Hotties!

The Hotties!
The Hotties!