The Hottest 100 Cheerleaders

The Hottest 100 Cheerleaders
The Hottest 100 Cheerleaders

Cheerleaders of the Final Four: Louisville's Shanae

We are wrapping up our week long Cheerleaders of the Final Four special with the team that everyone expects to win the national championship. Well, two championships, actually. Well the Cardinals are on the floor in Atlanta, the Louisville cheerleaders will be preparing to head to Daytona to win their 32nd national title. 32nd!!!! Holy hell, that is some domination.

One of the girls on the hunt for a title in Daytona is Shanae, a senior communications major focusing on broadcasting. Which means we should see her on our TV screens more permanently in a year or so. Like maybe on the sidelines at the Final Four with a microphone instead of some pom-poms. When that happens, make sure you remember where you saw her first!

The Hotties!

The Hotties!
The Hotties!