The Hottest 100 Cheerleaders

The Hottest 100 Cheerleaders
The Hottest 100 Cheerleaders

Louisville Wins The Battle of Kentucky (Barely)

After tabulating all of the ranks for the posts during the Battle of Kentucky, here are the final stats:
  • The most ranked cheerleader was Kentucky's Kyrie with 12 votes
  • The highest ranked cheerleader was Kentucky's Vashti with an average 4.8 stars.
  • Kentucky ended the battle with 87 total votes for a 4.35 star average.
  • Louisville ended the battle with 66 total votes for a 4.4 star average.
It may not have been a blowout, but a win is a win. Congrats to Louisville for having the hottest cheerleaders in the state of Kentucky!

The Hotties!

The Hotties!
The Hotties!